Sunday, October 10, 2010

Theory Definition

Theories of Uniform Influences - Messages of the mass media cause emotions of individuals to act in a similar fashion.

Theories of Selective Influences - Messages of the mass media only cause emotions in a certain amount of individuals.

Disinhibition Theory - Some moralistic ideas of individuals are ones that ethically prevent the individual from engaging in certain behaviors. After coming into contact with messages that condone certain behaviors, then over time people may lose their inhibitions. Once those inhibitions are gone, people become more likely to engage in those behaviors.

Desensitization Theory - Over time, heavy media use can cause people to be less sensitive towards certain topics and issues.

Sensitization theory - Viewers will react to strongly to certain mediated content that they will actually become more sensitive to the topic or issue.

Modeling Theory - Certain individuals will perceive a form of behavior as described or portrayed by a character in the media. the individual judges this behavior as attractive and sees it as being useful in certain personal situations.

Cultivation Theory - Was created by George Gerbner. This theory gives the individual a false sense of reality.

Socialization Theory -

Uses and Gratification Theory - Katz, Blumler and Gurevitch made assumptions of theory. The audience is active. The media are used to meet needs. The media compete for our attention.

Agenda-Setting theory - Media gives subtle emphasis to certain stories and topics by virtue of things such as Headlines and length.

Reinforcement Theory - All people posses mental collections of possible behaviors that can be used in various situations. If these people come into contact with mediated content that coincides with their scehma, then that schema is reinforced.

Schema Theory - Everyone has folders or files stored in their minds. These are memories that are retained and stored, to pull out in certain future situations.

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